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Multiple- Mini-Interview Coaching

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Multiple mini interviews (MMI)

Multiple Mini Interviews, or MMI’s as they are commonly called, is an interview approach that is used regularly for entry for medicine, veterinary and dentistry schools, as well as STI interviews for Doctors. These interviews can be daunting because the interview involves 6-10 interview stations and you spend between 5-8 minutes at each station. The topics of the interview stations vary each year and across different universities. Some common stations focus on the following:

  • Motivation. Your motivation and insight into medicine, veterinary or dentistry career. Your reason for choosing the University.
  • Problem solving & decision making. Your ability to demonstrate critical analytical and reasoning skills. Ability to think critically and rationally.
  • Curiosity. Your ability to show a genuine interest in the field of practice as well as demonstrating good general knowledge and an interest in current affairs.
  • Ethics. Your knowledge of key ethical concepts and your ability to apply these to an ethical issue today.
  • Communications. You will be judged on your communication skills across all the MMI stations but this one in particularly focuses on your ability to communicate with sensitivity and empathy
  • Teamwork. Your ability to work collaboratively in a team.
  • Data Analysis. Your ability to analyse complex data and use data to make informed decisions.

Medical School Candidate Testimonial

MMI interview coaching

The right preparation can make a huge difference to your success as it is essential to build rapport quickly and to communicate clearly and succinctly. We recommend two to three one hour mock interview coaching sessions one or two weeks’ apart, the first focused on preparation and then second on practising a range of MMI interview questions. The better you prepare and the more you practise the less intimidating these interviews will be. Try to think positively. There is an advantage to the MMI process: it is a much more reliable assessment of you as a candidate because you are interacting with multiple interviewers over the course of MMI, so there is less chance of personal bias affecting the outcome. Additionally, if one station does not go as well as you want you get a fresh start with the next and can make up your marks.

MMI process during Covid pandemic 

We are expecting all interviews to be online this year, 2020 either as pre-recorded interviews or as a live panel interview on online platforms such as Zoom or MS Teams. Performing in a pre-recorded interview where candidates have to answer in a set time period to a pre-recorded questions is additionally challenging and we recommend that clients have an additional one hour session to build their confidence.

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Click the Book Free Consultation button below to schedule in an appointment or Contact Interview Skills Clinic to discuss how we can help you succeed at your next interview.

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